Call by Friday to be part of GCSD budget focus groups

To the Editor:

As part of the budget-development process, the Guilderland Central School District will hold virtual focus groups for the Guilderland school community.

Scheduled for the evenings of Monday, March 20, and Tuesday, March 21, these sessions will give community members a forum to provide their feedback and input regarding the draft 2023-24 general operating budget.

There will be four sessions: two sessions for parents and guardians of elementary students, one for parents and guardians of middle school students, and one for parents and guardians of high school students. Community members are welcome to join any of these sessions.

The sessions will be limited to 20 attendees to allow for group discussion, so registration is required. To register, please complete the attached Google form or contact the District Office at 518-456-6200, ext. 0102 by Friday, March 17. Once registered, attendees will receive a link to the focus group via email.

It is critical to our budget development process to gather feedback from various stakeholder groups; we value and appreciate the community’s input.

Marie Wiles, Ph.D.


Guilderland schools

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