Altamont Enterprise March 16, 1917

Coughed Up a Small Snake

Edward Van Warren of Salisbury, Herkimer county, recently coughed up a snake about the size and length of a lead pencil. Mr. Van Warren for the past year or so had been seized with frequent coughing and choking spells, but had been unable to get any relief. While chopping wood a few days ago he was attacked with a fit of coughing, in the course of which the snake came from his mouth. The incident was a most extraordinary one and has naturally occasioned much comment in the neighborhood where it occurred. It is assumed that Mr. Van Warren took the snake into his system when it was very small and that it grew in his stomach. It is expected that his health will now show improvement.


— The mandolin and guitar orchestra, organized recently, has been named the Harmony club. It meets weekly at the homes of the ten members. Melvin B. Lainhart was admitted this week. He will play second mandolin.

— Messrs. M. Osbonilghter of this village and A. D. Ogsbury of Albany, members of Noah lodge No. 754, F. and A. M. of Altamont, attended the funeral of Sir Knight John James Martin at the Masonic temple, Albany, on Friday, March 9. Mr. Martin was 94 years old and had the honor of being the oldest Mason in New York state.

— The water supply was shut off the greater part of Thursday, due to a break in the main at Lincoln avenue and Main street. While it is necessary in such cases to shut off the water there is no reason why residents should not be notified in time to procure a supply. The lack of water yesterday caused considerable inconvenience, especially in the families where there is sickness.


Measles is still prevalent here.

Voorheesville Broke Braves’ Winning Streak.

On Saturday evening the Voorheesville basket ball team broke the winning streak of the Braves of Troy. The latter team had won 12 straight games before coming to Voorheesville. They were outclassed at all times, not being able to get the ball at all in the last ten minutes of the game. Voorheesville passed the ball but did not try for any more baskets. Shabom, the lanky center, has smashed a finger and will be out of the game for a few weeks. Crannell will try for his place.

Dedication of Voorheesville Grange Hall.

Fifteen years ago last November, the Patrons of Husbandry organized in the village of Voorheesville, holding their meetings in a hired hall. A year ago they began building on School street, under supervision of the architect and contractor, Walter Hotaling. This building was dedicated last Friday afternoon by S. J. Lowell of Fredonia, master of the State Grange.

The beautiful ritual service of the order was followed in the dedicatory services. Richard Rockwell, master of the Voorheesville grange, presided.


“We have no stronger ally in our fight for suffrage than the Grange,” said Mrs. Willis G. Mitchell at the recent meeting of the state suffrage committee. “The farmer’s wife has nobly done her work for the farm and the farming community, and the farmer is ready to show her justice by giving her a voice in the government. In the Grange men and women have discussed the work of our legislation. Together they keep up-to-date and informed on the important topics. There is no more conservative group of men in the State than the farmers, yet none more just.”


Man’s silver watch and chain. Owner may have same by identifying it and paying for ad. Keenholts’ news room, Altamont.


More Back In Time


    If there are no new cases of scarlet fever school will be resumed on Monday morning, January 12. The school house has been renovated. 


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