I have no interest in living in a suburban retail hell

To the Editor:

As we approach the election for village board, I would like to say that I support Simon Litten and James Sullivan. These are two people who embrace the values that make Altamont a unique and special place to live.

They are looking to make the obfuscation, and opaqueness that the current administration hides behind a thing of the past. They want to have a board that is based on transparency and that embraces the comprehensive plan as it truly represents the will of the people, not the will of developers.

Our current mayor and several of the board members seem hellbent on turning every square inch of our village over to developers who are interested only in profit, not the true character of a Victorian village with real history.

One wonderfully ugly monument to this is the KeyBank building. It was built on the site created by demolishing a Victorian home at a time when there was no comprehensive plan. Is this what we want in the future? Do we want to see the fairgrounds turned into a condo complex or a site for mcmansions? Certain deep-pocketed people sure do.

And the nonsense surrounding the Stewart’s situation is also deeply indicative of backroom dealing and a truly arrogant attitude toward the actual feelings of the residents of the village. When you vote on March 19, and you most assuredly should vote, remember what Route 20 and Wolf Road look like. That’s the future of Altamont if we keep going in our current direction.

I, for one, have no interest in living in a suburban retail hell.

Michael Seinberg


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