Donate instruments for needy music students
To the Editor:
My name is Jill Rifkin, and I am a member of Vanguard Inc. - ASO, the volunteer supporters of the Albany Symphony Orchestra. For about 10 years, I have been in charge of Vanguard’s Instruments for Students program.
Mostly as a result of 39 musical-instrument drives held at various venues in the area such as libraries, bookstores, churches, etc., I’ve collected instruments from generous community members that are donated to about 16 school districts in or near the Capital Region, which lack sufficient instruments for hundreds of children in elementary, middle school, or high school who yearn to study music in depth and play in school orchestras or bands.
Many of their parents cannot afford the expensive purchase fees. Tax-deductible donations of band or orchestra instruments to this program enable these students to learn to play instruments and join musical ensembles.
To date, I have collected and distributed 933 instruments. My husband and I drive donated instruments back to my house in Delmar.
Once the stack of instruments in my dining room and living room reaches about 35, I call several music teachers who come to my home, choose the instruments they need, and then lend them to eager students, who often play them for years.
Studies indicate, and teachers confirm, that when children study music intensively, their grades and attendance improve and that they gain self-discipline; confidence; warm friendships; critical lifetime skills; and best of all, much joy playing music they love with their peers.
The next instrument drive will be held on Saturday, March 8, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Crossgates Mall, second floor, with a mall entrance near Best Buy. We accept band and orchestra instruments only.
Jill Rifkin