A win-win-win outcome is entirely possible
To the Editor:
It was heartening to read Elizabeth Floyd Mair’s excellent article on the Guilderland Development Committee meeting on the proposed project for the corner of Route 20 and Foundry Road [“Quadrini pares down project for Master Cleaners’ site, pleases committee,” The Altamont Enterprise, Feb. 20, 2020].
I wrote recently on the need for cooperation and understanding from all aspects of the community concerning this endeavor [“We must work together to fix Guilderland’s eyesore,” The Altamont Enterprise, Feb. 6, 2020].
A win-win-win outcome is entirely possible for the Bohls, Mr. [Armand] Quadrini, and equally important the residents of the town of Guilderland. Let’s continue to keep our eye on the prize, which is a cleanup of what is in the ground, what is on the ground, and the creation of a functioning structure that will serve our town both esthetically as well as economically.
John Haluska