Altamont Enterprise February 13, 1925



The regular monthly meeting of Helderberg Post No. 977, the American Legion was held on Monday evening, February 9th, at the village rooms.
There were fifteen members present despite the condition of the roads and weather.
Four new members were added to the membership, bringing the total to twenty-five. 

Since our organization meeting in November 1924, our membership has nearly doubled, and from all indications will have trebled by spring. 

Regular meetings are held the second Monday of each month at the Enterprise Hall at eight o’clock, and all ex-service men will be welcomed at these meetings. 

The larger our membership, the greater will be our strength in our undertakings in the future, for there is work for all in the program which was mapped out at the last National Convention. So come to the next meeting, learn of the tasks to which the Legion has pledged itself, for the benefit of veterans, our communities and the Nation, and get acquainted with the buddies whose interests and past experience are common with yours.
Helderberg Post will welcome you. 


— Sunday was an ideal spring day when one could sit with windows open and hardly any fire was necessary. Not much like the weather that has been dealt out to us of late when it was 22 below zero. 

— After waiting for nearly two weeks to see the snow plow go through opening the roads for traffic and looking in vain, we were glad to see Mr. Kleese with his truck and a gang of men Tuesday shoveling through the banks which have blocked the roads ever since the big storm. In all that time it has been impossible to get mail to the office. Now we hope the mail service will soon be resumed with regularity, as we have been almost isolated through here as far as Star route service was concerned. 


The oldest son of Charles Ames went to the hospital for treatment and was sent from there to a tuberculosis camp. He is improving in health very fast. 


— Arna J. Ferris of Albany, a former resident of Altamont, will roll with one of the D. & H. teams which have been entered for the American Congress bowling tournament to be held at Buffalo next month. 

— Mr. and Mrs. John L. Harrington will sail for Bermuda, Feb. 18th. They expect to be gone about ten days. 


On February 9th a little girl came to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Carey Strevell. 


Don’t forget the Valentine social Saturday night in the R. C. Hall.  Program to begin at 7:30. Supper will be served after the entertainment. 

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STRAYED — A hound dog (female) has been straying about La Salette Seminary at Altamont. If it is not claimed, it will be disposed of. 

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