Altamont Enterprise February 7, 1919


The large service flag that we have looked upon with pride during the last few weeks, and the two Liberty Loan Honor flags, floating on either side, at the intersection of Main street and Maple avenue, were blown down during the gale Sunday and were badly bedraggled before they were picked up the following morning. These flags have done all the good they possibly can in the open and in order to preserve them for future generations to gaze upon and learn something of the history of our village, it might be well if those having the matter in hand would take steps to place them in some public place and under cover. At present the flags are still exposed to the elements, and it is time that some action was taken to save them from destruction.


Henry Blessing, who is with Company E, 52nd Infantry, 6th Division, was in the battalion from that division which was reviewed by President Wilson and General Pershing at Humes, France, on Christmas day. Theirs was pronounced the best battalion of those from nine divisions in line.

Voorheesville Won Fifth Straight Game

The Voorheesville basket ball five won their fifth straight game last Saturday night. Manager Waite has one of the best basket ball teams in these parts.


Campaign for Farmer Owned Plants Begins — Result of the Recent Milk Strike

[From Dairymen’s League News.]

The glorious victory gained by the dairy farmers in their recent strike has aroused their determination to deliver the dairy industry from the control of the great milk combine. Local branches of the Dairymen’s League are meeting in many sections of the state to formulate plans for purchasing or building local milk stations. A large number of branches have already raised sufficient funds and are waiting only for the completion of the state-wide plans.


All the men in this village are putting in their ice harvest. Roy Steiner is acting as foreman of the job.


The many friends of Corporal Thomas S. Gillespie, Jr., who has seen service overseas for 16 months, will be glad to learn that he has returned to the United States. He landed at Newport News Feb. 4.


Master Howard Davis has returned home from the Albany hospital, after undergoing an operation on the ear. Little Howard, while in school, placed a tooth in his ear and was unable to get it out. He had to undergo an operation. He is doing nicely at present.

FOR SALE — Comb honey, 25 cents per section; extracted, 25 cents per lb., while it lasts. Walter Severson, Altamont.

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