Altamont Enterprise January 20, 1922



Dr. Amy Louise Daniels, who will be in Ithaca for the Homemakers’ Conference to be held during Farmers’ Week February 13-18, has supervision over the food needs of 200 children in the hospital connected with the only child welfare research station in the world at Iowa City, Iowa. 

Dr. Daniels and her assistants have a large laboratory in which to carry out research problems with animals. Facts gleaned from these experiments are later applied to similar problems with human beings. She will tell New York state people about some of the work they are doing. 



— We surely feel glad to see the attendance increasing at Sunday school.

— Sickness is very prevalent in this community. The doctor is kept very busy. 



Makely Brothers have been making extensive improvements to their building on Maple avenue, Altamont, and these changes are nearing completion. 

A fine hall for basket ball has been upstairs over the garage workshop. The room is 24 x 52, with a 13-foot ceiling. The basket ball enthusiasts are anxious to get on the floor for a tryout. This can be done as soon as the windows and electric lights are screened. 

The Village Board room is on the south side of the building, and is about 14 x 20 feet. Underneath this room on the ground floor the fire apparatus of the Altamont Hose company will be housed. A large sliding door will open up nearly the entire front of this room, permitting both wagons to leave readily on a call of fire. 

The Hose company will have a large meeting and club room 22 x 26 feet upstairs, adjoining the Village Board room. This will be something our firefighters will be proud of and that they should have had before. 



On Wednesday, Jan. 25, Warren Colsten, Impersonator, will give the fifth and last Lyceum Course entertainment in the Lutheran Church Hall. Mr. Colsten already stands in the very enviable position of the front rank of impersonators. His program is chosen from the lives of people you know or would like to know. Fact and fun race side by side through an entertainment which has not a dull moment. Admission, 40 cents.



— Leo E. Westfall and Stanley Barton, two of Altamont’s radio enthusiasts, attended the Capital District Radio convention and banquet, held at Union College, Schenectady, on Saturday. The convention program included a trip through the radio department of the General Electric company. About 300 radio operators attended the banquet. 

— Ira Westfall had the misfortune to fall from the roof of his residence on Maple avenue, Friday morning of last week. Fortunately no bones were broken, but he sustained a number of bruises about the body. 

— Altamont people were very prompt in shoveling their walks open after last week’s storm, we noticed. With few exceptions, every walk was shoveled the full width within a day after the storm ended. Residents whose property adjoins street intersections should see to it that the cross walks are opened. People have to cross the streets in winter as well as in summer, and they should not be compelled to flounder through the snow from one walk to another. 

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