Removing the guys from the transfer station was unfair and immoral

To the Editor:

We would like to express our strong objection to the firing of the Knox transfer-station employees, the “guys” — Joe Adriance, Dick Dexter, and Mark Young.

We always looked forward to our weekly Saturday trip to the Town of Knox Transfer Station. The “guys” would always greet us with a smile and friendly chatting while helping us unload our trash and instructing us where to place different things.

We would always bring our little dog, who also looked forward to the pats and kisses she would get from the guys. This was the way they treated everyone at the transfer station.

We always witnessed a friendly, professional, and organized atmosphere there. In our experience over the past many years, at no time was there any hint of anything negative; everything about the transfer station was positive and we saw no reason for sudden removal of the entire crew.

If any change would have been expected, it would have been perhaps a pay increase or an official thank-you for all of their hard work and dedication regardless of the weather conditions.

Not only do we absolutely feel that their Civil Service and civil rights were violated, but we feel this decision that some of the town board members made to remove the guys was unfair and immoral, not just to the guys, but to us and the other residents of the town of Knox who use the transfer station. Sometimes the small things, like the weekly trips to the transfer station, are what make living in a small town enjoyable.

If you are a Knox resident, please make your voice be heard by attending the next town board meeting on Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. to support the guys and get them rightly reinstated to their jobs.  

Tim and Laura (Murphy) Fischer


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