VCSD looking at 5-year, $19M upgrade plan
NEW SCOTLAND — The Voorheesville Board of Education was recently presented with the findings of a building-conditions survey conducted throughout the summer and early fall.
The survey is state-mandated every five years, said John Jojo, principal with Mosaic Associates, the architectural firm that performed the survey.
“So I think it’s important to note: These aren’t actually, like, needed year by year by year by year. So these are the things that we can get done. And we’d like to get some of the priority stuff done in year one. But it doesn’t mean it actually will happen,” Superintendent Frank Macri said on Jan. 3. “It doesn’t mean that stuff in year three will happen in year three, it could happen in year two or year one. For example, already having the curtains fire treated, we’re already doing that.”
Macri pointed out that not everything on the previous five-year condition survey got done. “I know we looked at two five-year [surveys] previously,” he said, “and there were still things that were on those five-year plans that weren’t accomplished.” Macri continued, “So just because they’re on a five-year plan doesn’t mean they have to get finished.”
Michele Lesperence, a project manager with Mosaic, walked the board through the projects involved in the five-year plan, which, when anticipated escalators are factored in, would cost about $18.9 million.
Upgrades at secondary school
In the first year at the high school, there would be water damage to take care of and some roof repairs, the replacement of some doors, resurfacing the tennis courts and track, and aerating and top dressing the athletic field, she said.
The year-one costs would total about $2.6 million.
In year two, secure vestibules would be built, quite a bit of mechanical work would take place, and door hardware would be upgraded, she said.
Year two costs would be about $2.3 million.
In year three, “we move into replacing some carpet with some hard surfaces, replacing some sagging ceilings, [and] more mechanical and electrical work,” Lesperence said.
The year-three costs would total about $4.2 million, approximately half of which would be dedicated to replacing old acoustical ceiling tiles.
Year four would involve more mechanical and electrical work, and would cost an estimated $661,000, she said.
Year five would include some items that may not be “super priority,” she said, like replacing some older doors; there was also a request for an exterior storage building; and more mechanical work.
The fifth year at the high school would cost $695,600.
Elementary school
Lesperence said, at the elementary school in the first year, “we have talked about providing secure entry,” the ceilings being replaced, the front stairs needing replacement, and work needed on the roof.
The cost of the first year of work at the elementary school is estimated at about $1.84 million.
“We have a lot more stuff in the second year,” she said, which totals about $3.5 million.
There’d be “some site work, sidewalks and stairs, abatement. We’ve talked with [Macri] about moving the main offices downstairs, expanding the cafeteria, expanding the kitchen facilities … as well as providing cooling on the third floor of the elementary school,” Lesperence said.
Year three, which would cost about $922,000 at the elementary school, would involve replacing old cabinetry, replacing some temperature controls, and swapping out old lighting fixtures for light-emitting diodes.
In year four, there would be some masonry restoration, electrical work, and replacing old carpet with vinyl tiling.
Year four work would cost an estimated $772,000.
Year five would cost an estimated $651,000 and involve upgrades to an art room, new toilets for part of the building, and an exterior pavilion for outdoor classes.