Costco will benefit local businesses

To the Editor:
I have voiced my support several times over the past few years for the proposed Costco project, which was extensively reviewed by local government.

As we begin 2024, I was very happy to see the article in The Altamont Enterprise last week about another of the lawsuits being dismissed “in its entirety” based on the claims that “were previously decided” and “lacking in merit” [“Latest lawsuit to stop Costco is dismissed,” The Altamont Enterprise, Dec. 29, 2023].

I think businesses surrounding the area, including 1667 Western Ave., LLC/Stewart’s Shop, will realize that this project will be of benefit to not just the local shopping community, but other businesses like theirs in Guilderland.

It has been a long time coming, and it’s simply time to let Costco move forward and build.

Let’s keep the good news coming!

Jean Bryan


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