The Berne-Knox-Westerlo capital project was approved by a wide margin. The $20 million project will fund infrastructure, security, design, and technology improvements for the district’s two buildings, primarily for the elementary school.
VOORHEESVILLE — In the midst of a snowstorm Tuesday that canceled after-school events, 183 district residents cast votes on a $2.7 million bond project, which passed 131 to 52.
In close votes on Oct. 14, a $17.3 million project to update Guilderland’s seven school buildings passed while an $846,300 plan to renovate the high school auditorium and better light the football field was defeated.
A courageous citizen was criticized when she spoke out after the fire district held a vote on a $3.9 million project that wasn't publicized as the law requires. A re-vote should be held.
Linda Chaffee wrote a letter to the Enterprise editor on Sept. 5, declaring that she thought the $3.9 million bond project vote was “probably” legal, but that it was “possibly not” ethical.