Weekly Archives

Rates lower
Taxes less then predicted for GCSD

GUILDERLAND — Tax rates will be lower than was predicted when voters went to the polls in May to pass a $79 million Guilderland school budget.

Neighbors worry
Are radio waves dangerous"

GUILDERLAND — "Can you hear me now"" is a well-known slogan used in Verizon’s advertising campaigns, but it is now a legitimate question being asking of the town.

GUILDERLAND — The town can now increase its tax base with industry while avoiding re-zoning and citizen protests.

By Ellen Zunon

From the editor
Student voices speak out to the community at large

Our opinion pages are the soul of our newspaper. They form the place where the community can talk to itself.

VOORHEESVILLE — Lindsay Myers was back on her home turf this year, at Voorheesville’s high school, after spending the year before in a special-education program housed in Guilderland.

The Lindsay Myers story
One girl’s life as a mainstreamed student

Hilltowns ponder energy
The answer is blowin’ in the wind

HILLTOWNS — In the last month two halls have filled with people curious about wind.

No deed yet
Flea market granted permit


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