Weekly Archives

VOORHEESVILLE — Charles Reader, a tenured Voorheesville music teacher, has resigned and school leaders won’t say why.

NEW SCOTLAND — After nearly half a century, high-tension electrical towers in the area are being replaced.

GUILDERLAND — The winning streak came to an end for the Guilderland girls’ basketball team. But the Lady Dutch put up a fight against one of the Suburban Council elite.

GUILDERLAND — This might be the worst run of luck in recent history for the Guilderland boys’ basketball team.

The swimmers on the Guilderville boys’ team are having success this season, even though, at first glance, it doesn’t appear so.

VOORHEESVILLE — Again, the girls’ basketball team at Voorheesville pushed another top Colonial Council team to the limit, but just could not find a way to pull off an upset victory.

As we hunker down against winter’s cold — yes, this is the way it’s supposed to be in the Northeast — it’s easy to forget about global warming. But we shouldn’t.

Bosworth, Commisso to share county seat

ALBANY COUNTY — After having their first-ever contested election, then their first litigated election, Albany County Democrats will soon have their first-ever co-chairmen.


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