Vasilios Lefkaditis

Violations issued against Shaw Funding between May 2017 and July 2018 are still unresolved, with over $30,000 in penalties due.

The resolution refers to the supervisor’s lie that he had filed the town’s 2016 annual report in 2017 when it was actually filed this year.

An opinion issued March 15 by the Albany County Department of Civil Service states that the two transfer-station workers who worked for the town for over five years should have been protected by the state’s Civil Service Law.

The Knox assessor said the supervisor intended to replace him in 2018; he decided some of the candidates would be suitable applicants when his term expired in 2019.

KNOX — Although Democrats outnumber Republicans in Knox by nearly 2 to 1, the Republican-nominated candidates took all of the seats up for election.

In Knox, the town board struggled to approve minutes in a sometimes heated debate of when quotes were appropriate or not. Quotes from Supervisor Vasilios Lefkaditis and Councilwoman Amy Pokorny, who are running against one another for supervisor in the fall, were especially debated.

The Knox Democratic caucus was tense as those nominated mostly by members of the party’s committee were pitted against a slate of nominees already on the Republican ballot. Republicans had earlier nominated a slate of candidates enrolled in various parties.

Amy Pokorny, Vasilios Lefkaditis

Although elections are half-a-year away, two candidates have announced they are running for Knox town supervisor: Vasilios Lefkaditis, the current supervisor, and Amy Pokorny, a town councilwoman.

Stewart’s Shops has yet to open a store in the Hilltowns, but is set to announce a new location in either Berne or Knox by next month. Both town supervisors are vying for the spot, saying that it would help their town, while local businesses are wary of competitors.

This town wants to be the little town that could when it comes  to fighting climate change.


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