solar energy

The Knox Town Board authorized the purchase of new lights for the town’s baseball field, which will be the first improvement to come out of grant money from New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s Clean Energy Communities program.

No matter where in the world she was, Lynne Bruning told The Enterprise, the farm in Duanesburg was always “such an anchor,” she said, “to have grown up in the house where my mother’s mother taught me how to sew and I would sleep under her mother’s quilt.” 

TJA Clean Energy, which was planning to propose a solar farm in Berne that spans up to approximately 25 acres near the intersection of Switzkill and Canaday Hill roads, says that the town’s newly adopted industrial-scale solar-energy facility regulations “throw a wrench” in the development process. The town’s law restricts the size of solar facilities to 10 acres. ​

Switzkill Road

Berne just passed a law that paves the way for industrial-scale solar facilities to plant their roots in the town, while ensuring that the privilege won’t be abused with restrictions surrounding land use. 

The Rensselaerville Solar Committee met with the community for feedback on drafted solar energy system regulations.

“Unfortunately for those South Westerlo folks, there’s a thought of South Westerlo becoming ‘Solar Westerlo,’” said Councilman Joseph Boone at Westerlo’s town board meeting.

A group of residents and business owners from South Westerlo objected to the construction of solar arrays in town due to concerns about the safety of battery-storage systems and the effect on the vista.

New Scotland with a solar developer

NEW SCOTLAND — Capitalizing on the state’s recent changes and updates to its solar incentive programs, New Scotland has entered into an agreement with a solar developer that, if fully executed, will have the town collecting a monthly check for doing little more than signing the contract — and providing the land for a solar farm.

The Berne supervisor said his vote against the moratorium was symbolic to say that the town needs to move forward on enacting a law to allow for industrial solar arrays, while a councilwoman writing such a law said it needs time and consideration.

Westerlo’s solar law could be amended to change the nature of how decommissioning bonds are determined in the midst of solar applications being approved over again in order to include a new type of energy-storage system.


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