Meals are now available in the Hilltowns for seniors, starting March 2. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, a hot lunch will be available for seniors to enjoy.
Mill Hollow Condominiums, a senior-housing complex, joined agreed to have the headquarters of Guilderland's senior services located in its community building.
Loneliness and depression are realities for some elderly people, and caregivers can be strained for others. A church hall in Berne is planned as a place where people who need help can go for social interaction and care.
A county legislator and a town supervisor are taking separate paths to make county services, like processing Medicaid and food stamps, more accessible to people in the Hilltowns.
Kevin Crosier, Helderberg Senior Services board member and supervisor of Berne, said a new site would be established with lower costs and a possible van for elderly patrons.