Austin is comfortable in his own skin, and who among us doesn't strive for that?
To the Editor:
Having just read the lovely letter in the April 16 Enterprise from Stephanie Carter about her son, Austin, I just needed to say how much I appreciate the tribute she paid to him, as well as her valuable insight into raising a child with autism.
I was one of those fortunate teachers who had the privilege of knowing Austin when he was at Farnsworth Middle School and, indeed, he is a student who is not easily forgotten. Clearly, it has been a challenging road for Stephanie, and for so many other parents of children with special needs, yet her tenacity, intelligence, unconditional love, and unfailing collaboration with teachers and therapists throughout Austin's school career have served them both well.
Her respect for Austin and appreciation of him as a person has been reflected in his generosity and compassion for others. Austin is comfortable in his own skin, and who among us doesn't strive for that?
Thank you, Stephanie, for sharing a bit of your story, for sharing Austin with us and, especially, for your valuable lesson: “Autism isn't contagious — ignorance is.”
Susan Rothchild