My deepest apologies for the excessive noise and commotion

To the Editor:

I am writing on behalf of my father, William Gipp.

After reading your article on the events occurring on Depot Road this past Saturday evening [“Concert ends in mayhem with one man stabbed and another shot,” The Altamont Enterprise, Oct. 21] and your mention of the landowner, William Gipp, who was out of town that weekend, I feel compelled to advise you that my father did not have any participation or knowledge of the type of event planned.

The Gipp family has been a member of the Guilderland community for close to 100 years and to have an event like this occur with such horrid violence is unspeakable.

Having vague knowledge of what had transpired leading up to this event, I can only state: My father leased a parcel of his property to an individual (known to me only as Matt), who in turn subleased to the entertainment group hosting the hip-hop concert.

Apparently, this group has a large social media following and the acts performing that evening were well known in that genre.

I also want to express my deepest apologies for the excessive noise and commotion to the neighbors, which was totally uncalled for and disrespectful. I'm confident this type of event will never happen again; as far as any other organized event, I cannot speak to, but excessive noise beyond the noise-ordinance time should never happen.

Sherry Gipp


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