Thanks for supporting our Memorial Day parade

To the Editor:
The Altamont Parade Committee wishes to thank the community for supporting this year’s parade and Community Day — we were so pleased with the huge turnout!

The parade wouldn't be possible without the planning and commitment from committee members Bob Freeman, Tresa Matulewicz, ChrisGaige, Sandra Serafino, and Caitlyn Olsen.

We are also indebted to our generous sponsors: C.M.Fox/the Bunker, Crisafulli Brothers, Long Energy, Giagni State Farm, and Jeff Thomas. We appreciate their patronage.

Kudos go to the Altamont Fire Department, which served up 200 hot dogs, and to Stewart’s, which supplied ice cream and toppings to all who attended!

The community  enjoyed the food and each other listening to wonderful sounds of String Theory playing in the gazebo!

We are already planning great surprises for next year, so stay tuned.

Judi Dineen


Parade Committee

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