Altamont Enterprise February 29, 1924


Those who attended the supper and community singing at the town hall on Washington’s birthday pronounced it “the best ever.” After the supper was served, Rev. E. O. Moffett gave a brief talk on the sayings and doings of George Washington, and Mrs. Gauger read the origin of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” 

Delmar Vote on School Site

In response to a call issued by the board of education of Union Free School district No. 10 at Delmar, a meeting was held last night to vote on the selection of a site for a new school building. 

Firemen’s hall was packed to the doors with citizens interested in the choice to be made. The State Department of Education and the board of education have let it be known that they favor the old ball grounds at the corner of Delaware and Borthwick avenues. 

After considerable discussion a vote was taken on what is known as the “Library” site, and this was lost by a few votes. No further vote was taken, and another meeting will have to be called. 


Adam Gifford owns a cow that gave birth to a calf that weighed 140 pounds when a day old. Born February 22. 

Governor Smith on Thursday signed the $45,000,000 state soldiers’ bonus bill. Adjutant General Edward J. Westcott, chairman of the bonus commission, which is created under the new law, announced that application blanks for the bonus are now being printed and will be distributed as speedily as possible to World war veterans of New York state who are entitled to it. 

A bonus of $10 a month for each month of service is authorized. A limit of $150 is set in the law, however. It is estimated that the first payments probably will be made in May. It is also figured out that approximately 440,000 soldiers, sailors, marines and nurses will participate. 


A. H. Salisburg of Reidsville shot a white fox, he thought, but it turned out to be a dog. 


— Our teacher, Mr. Carmine, walked most of the way from the city Sunday. 

— The road is impassable from here to Rynex Corners by car. The tractors have been up that far several times but have had a hard struggle. 


— Little Marion Smith is ill of measles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred. She is a niece of Mrs. Eldred and is with them permanently. 

— George I. McClew started Monday afternoon for Duanesburgh with a load of coal. He found the roads were not in the best of condition and had the misfortune to upset and break the thills to his sleigh. It might have been worse as his horse came near getting away from him. 


On January 26, when Avary Jansen put his sheep in for the night he was one short. After searching for some time he gave it up for dead. While doing his chores on Sunday night February 10, he saw something coming up the road, upon arriving close enough to distinguish the animal, for it was squalling quite hard, it proved to be the lost sheep with a nice lamb following. Following the tracks Avary found that the sheep had been straying in a wood some distance from his house. It surely is remarkable that a lamb should thrive out of doors in such severe winter weather. 

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