Altamont Enterprise February 15, 1924


Snow and wind is the order of the day here. 


— The Altamont Free library loaned 765 books during the month of January; 518 books of fiction and 48 books of non-fiction were taken by adults; 187 books of fiction and 14 non-fiction were distributed through the department for juniors. On January 25, 138 books were loaned, this being the largest number of books loaned in a single day since the opening of the library eight years ago. 

— Mrs. Harry Fredendall has been confined to her home the past week with neuritis. 


Announcement has been made that fire insurance rates will be reduced, beginning February 7, on dwellings and residences in the village, owing to the improved water system and the additional supply of water now available. There will also be a lower rate on business houses at a later date which will be announced. 


Daniel J. Lendrum is cutting a large amount of a fine quality of ice. His new outfit works to perfection and those who are getting ice of him say they never had ice which was cut better and packed nicer. He put out about 4,000 cakes on Monday. Just before quitting on Monday night he had the misfortune to have his team break through the ice causing considerable excitement. They were soon out with no bad effects but a bath in cold water. 


Abram Relyea is having his house wired for electricity. 


There was no school Tuesday in honor of Lincoln’s birthday. 


The pupils of our school have just purchased an Estey organ. They and their teacher wish to thank everyone who helped make this possible, through the purchase of candy and seeds. 

Items of Interest 

On Lincoln’s birthday afternoon there was opened in Albany the new home for the blind at 208 State street. The work of the blind was explained in all its phases. Demonstrations were also made and plans for the growth of the Albany association were talked about. 

Altamont High School Notes 

Wednesday, February 6, the pupils assembled at 3:00 p.m. to show their respect to Ex-president Wilson, whose funeral occurred at that time. Mr. Bacon gave a short talk and Bradbury Dyer read an editorial. 


Some of the small girls of this place were entertained to a birthday party at the home of Martha Cox, the occasion being her 11th birthday. 

— Alfred Bouton is ill with chickenpox at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bouton in Albany. 

— Seymour D. Benedict is conducting a class in map making for the second class Scouts of Voorheesville. The boys were taken on a short hike Saturday for the purpose of getting data for the map.

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