Altamont Enterprise August 10, 1923

Guilderland Center 



A memorial service for the late President Harding will be held in the Reformed church at 11 o’clock, standard time, on Sunday morning, August 12th. All patriotic citizens and persons interested in the welfare of our country are cordially invited to attend. There will be special music including two of President Harding’s favorite hymns and two solos appropriate to the occasion. At the conclusion of the service the audience will remain in silent tribute while taps will be sounded. 


Quaker Street Board of Trade 

The members agreed to meet on Monday morning to put new rope on the flag pole, so that the village might place the Stars and Stripes at half mast in respect to the honored dead. 

Brakeman’s Feet Severed in Accident 

A brakeman by the name of Yates of Oneonta, employed on a D. & H. freight train, met with a terrible accident on Wednesday afternoon at 5:30, at the crossover switch just east of the Delanson station. 

Yates was about to step from one coal car to another when the train “took up slack” and he fell under the wheels. One leg was cut off and the other foot crushed. 

Those who saw the accident and members of the crew assisted in aiding the injured man, and he was hurried to Ellis hospital, where it was found necessary to also amputate the injured foot. 

He is in a serious condition at this writing. 



Harold Skinner, leader of the dance orchestra of this place, is reported recovering from his quite serious attack of measles. 


South Thompson’s Lake 

Rev. Mr. Calder from below New York who was our pastor seventeen years ago visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Quay over Sunday and rendered service at the church. We were all pleased to see his smiling face and his family again and wish his visit could have been longer. 



Men’s Outing at Warner’s Lake 

Saturday afternoon the men of the Methodist Sunday school enjoyed the first outing of its kind at Warner’s Lake. The day was ideal and the trip was made by auto without any discomfort to anyone. 

Soon after the arrival at the picnic grounds the committee began to make preparations for the “eats” and in due time the dogs and coffee and cake, ice cream and peanuts were being served in an up-to-date camp style. 

A ball game was soon in progress and although of short duration due to the call of the chef for lunch, afforded considerable excitement for a half hour or more. Five innings were played and resulted in a 9 to 3 score in favor of the “Has Beens.” Bathing was enjoyed by many of the guests. 



The stores of Altamont, the First National bank and the post office were closed today out of respect to the memory of Warren G. Harding, late president of the United States, whose funeral is being held this afternoon at his home town, Marion, Ohio. 

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