Spend an amazing afternoon celebrating our small town
To the Editor:
Last week’s column written by Jesse S. Sommer, “Making a living is what makes life worth living,” really resonated with us and our team here at Carl’s Advanced Automotive & Truck Repair.
Jesse’s article reflects life in a small town vibe, which we are incredibly proud to be a part of. Which is one of the reasons that we have recently joined forces with the Our New Scotland Business Community.
Imagine a room full of local business owners, exchanging ideas, making connections, and sharing with each other how to be successful in our respective businesses — that’s exactly what this group is striving to achieve.
We find ourselves discussing on a regular basis about how to connect with our residents and make them aware of all of the opportunities, services, and businesses that exist in our local community. That is how Community Day has come to be!
We are hoping that our neighbors will spend an afternoon with us on Aug. 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and find out just how many amazing small businesses are right in their backyard and how together we can continue to support each other and our community with everything we have to offer.
We hope everyone marks their calendars and can plan to spend an amazing afternoon celebrating our small town and getting to know their neighbors. Let’s all dig our roots in a little deeper and embrace our past, present, and future here in the Town of New Scotland!
Katy Carl
Carl’s Advanced Automotive
& Truck Repair Center
New Scotland