Altamont Enterprise April 20, 1923



The ladies of the village and vicinity met at the homes of Mrs. Floyd Fennen and Mrs. Albert Irons and tied off two quilts and gave them to Mrs. Charles Shufelt, who recently lost nearly all of her furniture by fire. She was very grateful. 


— Mrs. A. I. Cullen sustained quite serious injuries last Friday, resulting from a fall from a porch at her home on Main street. She is still confined to her home, but is much improved at present. 

— John C. Murphy of this village, a Pullman car conductor on the New York City railroad, has purchased the milk route of James McMichael, and began delivery of milk Monday morning. Mr. Murphy has obtained a four months’ leave of absence, during which time he will have personal charge of the work of delivering milk to customers on the route. He is anxious to succeed, and invites patronage from all persons desirous of securing good service and the best quality of bottled milk obtainable. 

— Eighty-two members of the Senior Dancing club of Campbell’s academy of Albany, motored to Voorheesville last Thursday night and partook of a chicken dinner which was served in Odd Fellows’ hall by the Men’s Brotherhood club of the Presbyterian church to members of the class and a few guests. Favors were jonquils. Dancing followed the dinner, Westervelt’s orchestra of Albany playing. Chester Bradford, the president, was presented with a handsome suit case. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Makely and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredendall of Altamont, who are members of the club, attended.


— W. H. K. Cornelius and family have returned from Central Bridge, where they spent the winter months, and are again occupying the old Knower mansion at the lower village. 


— Ira Hurst has exchanged his Chandler car for a seven passenger Chandler sedan. It is a very handsome car. 

— The Young People’s Branch of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union held an interesting meeting in the Sunday school room of the Reformed church on Tuesday evening, April 10th. Mrs. Clifford Wormer presided. We were greatly honored in having with us three clergymen and their families. Rev. Mr. Bennett of Guilderland offered prayer and also addressed the meeting, referring with appreciation to his sojourn among the people of Guilderland and community. We regret exceedingly that Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Bennett are soon to leave for a new field of labor. The best wishes of the entire community go with these good friends and all united in wishing them God speed in their new activities. 


While chopping wood one day last week Randolph Wright suffered a bad cut on his face when a sharp stick flew up with such force as to make a ragged wound. 


— Town Superintendent Ira Saddlemire has commenced scraping the town roads. 

— Rev. Reynolds has been assigned a charge at Ashokan and is moving there. Their many friends wish them success in their new charge. 


FOR SALE — A Colt 38 repeating rifle, good condition, or will exchange for a good bicycle. Luther Warner, East Berne. 

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