Do deputies work for the public or for the supervisor?
To the Editor:
I have followed Berne’s ATV proposal with interest. I’m not a town resident but I keep a horse on Canaday Hill Road and ride along several of the roads included in the proposal. I would not appreciate one or more ATVs coming up beside me then.
I also have followed the goings on with Berne’s town board for many years. I don’t know what has happened to the rest of the Democrats in Berne but, since Kevin Crosier left the office of supervisor, the finances of the town are in shambles.
Imagine my surprise at hearing of the town meeting on Feb. 20 regarding this ATV proposal when the Berne supervisor, Dennis Palow, had Mr. Crosier removed by deputies just as he was making his opening remarks at the public hearing [“Berne supervisor has sheriff’s deputies forcibly remove resident from ATV hearing despite no wrongdoing,” The Altamont Enterprise, Feb. 21, 2023].
I’d like to know on whose authority? Do the deputies work for the public or for the supervisor? This is frightening to me. I don’t believe it was legal for the board to do that. Mr. Crosier’s First Amendment rights were clearly violated.
They can’t seriously think this law will pass. They’ve mismanaged the money and are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme.
I hope the board issues a public apology to Mr. Crosier.
Leslie Ellis
Town of Wright