Bethlehem Library Notes for Wednesday, May 25, 2022
The library would like to thank voters for approving the $4.3 million budget levy for 2022-23. Your ongoing support will allow the library to continue to invest in physical and electronic resources, while making adjustments for expected increases in energy costs and building maintenance over the coming year.
As a service-driven organization, we’ve taken a close look at our staffing needs, and the 2022-23 budget provides for the addition of two new staff positions, with one dedicated to coordinating and supporting volunteer and accessible employment opportunities at the library. We also remain mindful of our role in removing barriers to library access within our community, and the 2022-23 budget supports our move to a fine-free model in the coming months.
On Tuesday, May 17, voters also elected Sarah Patterson to a five-year term on the board of trustees. She said her goal as a trustee is to help the library continue to serve the community in new and innovative ways, while still maintaining the loaning of books as a core component.
The library’s board meetings take place on the second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. and are always open to the public.
Longtime trustee
exits board
Next month, the Bethlehem Library Board of Trustees will bid farewell to Mary Redmond, who is stepping down from her post after two five-year terms, five years of which she served as board president.
Redmond, during her tenure as trustee, helped shepherd through a massive heating-ventilation-air-conditioning upgrade and kept a watchful eye on the library’s financial reporting. The library and board of trustees have benefited from her community connections and perspective.
Memorial Day
Bethlehem Public Library will be closed Memorial Day weekend Saturday to Monday, May 28 to 30. Access the library catalog and other library services online anytime at
Watch for us in the town Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 30. After a two-year pandemic hiatus, this fantastic community event returns, and we can’t wait to be a part of it. See you there!
A conversation
about social justice
Bethlehem patrons, as members of the Upper Hudson Library System are invited to take part in “We Who Believe in Freedom: A Community Conversation,” a special presentation in honor of Juneteenth.
Gather virtually over Zoom Monday, June 20, at 7 p.m. for a free community conversation with Dr. Alice Green about her book “We Who Believe in Freedom: Activism and the Struggle for Social Justice.” In discussion with Paul Grondahl, director of the New York State Writers Institute at the University at Albany, Green will talk about her experience as a life-long advocate for social justice, discuss historic and continuing challenges in our community, and share the work she is currently doing and how community members can help.
To sign up, visit A Zoom link sent following registration.
This program is presented in collaboration with the Center for Law and Justice and the New York State Writers Institute and is provided by the Upper Hudson Library System.