Altamont Enterprise April 28, 1922


The past few days have been eagerly awaited by many residents here, and already spring work is being rushed to get things planted for the summer. 



— A few of the farmers have commenced sowing oats at this writing. 

— Truman Lawton has been doing some blasting for Harry Gibbs, who is building a large fish pond. 



George Eggleston has accepted the position of superintendent at the Fire Mens home in Hudson and with his family will move there this week. 



Frank Oliver is building his new barn on the site of the one which was burned last fall. 


Knox Loses the Dibble Family 

M. L. Dibble with his family has moved from Knox to Brooklyn, where they are to live temporarily. Mr. Dibble’s oldest son is now a Missionary to Africa. Russell Dibble and Miss Virtue Dibble have already begun their studies in the Brooklyn Training School, preparatory to joining their brother in carrying the message of Christ to the Dark continent. It is the ultimate intention of Mr. and Mrs. Dibble and their youngest daughter, Lillian, to follow in the same work. 



Miss Rachel Keenholts left on Monday for Baltimore, Md., where she will assist in reconstruction work for disabled soldiers at the government hospital. 



— The annual school meeting of Union Free School district No. 7, town of Guilderland, comprising the village of Altamont and vicinity, will be held at the school building on Tuesday evening of next week, May 2, at 7:30 o’clock. One trustee will be elected for a term of three years, to succeed Edwin J. Plank. The budget of estimated expenses for the school year August, 1922-1923 will also be placed before the taxpayers for their consideration. The budget, which appears in another column of the Enterprise this week, amounts to $14,202.80. From this is subtracted $6,000 public money, and $702.80, the estimated balance on hand at the close of the present school year, leaving a balance of $7,500 to be raised by tax. This is the same amount as that which was levied for the present school year’s expenses. Next year’s budget is the largest in the history of the school, but the financial aid which the state gives is raised proportionately. Every taxpayer should be interested enough in the spending of his money to attend the school meeting next Tuesday; but if not interested in the money spending, attend the meeting if for no other purpose than to see the new electric lights in operation. They have been giving good service during the past winter. 

— Edwin Wilber of Quaker Street has invented an attachment for the Hawaiian guitar that will be a great help to lovers of that musical instrument. He has also a plan under way to give instruction to pupils in Altamont, and Mr. Wilber will give a limited number of beautiful instruments to those wishing to join his class. 

— John Crookes and Chester Vanderpoel went to Medusa on Wednesday, with fond hopes of returning with a large string of fish, but said fish refused to bite. 

—  At a recent athletic meet at New York University, George Nelson Furbeck of Altamont ran the mile in 4 minutes and 34 1-5 seconds, lowering the school record between two and three seconds. 

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