Altamont Enterprise March 31, 1922
Burglars Also Make Call
Over 350 Master Masons assembled at the Masonic temple, Altamont, on Saturday evening, March 25, from all parts of the Capital district, to assist Noah Lodge, No. 754, F. and A. M. in receiving Right Worshipful Clarence E. Moore, District Deputy Grand Master of the Albany Masonic district, who was making his official visit.
The visitors were received by Worshipful Master Arthur B. Gregg. A number of men prominent in Masonic circles gave short addresses. A feature of the evening was the program furnished by the Masonic Quartet of Schenectady, which pleased greatly. Refreshments were served in the dining hall at the close of the evening’s program.
This visitation was considered one of the pleasantest and most successful of the present District Deputy.
It was after one o’clock when the guests and members had departed, but about an hour later several residents of the neighborhood of the temple were awakened by a report and investigation proved that Noah Lodge had had another visit, but this time by yeggmen. These strangers had forced an entrance and in anticipation that a large amount of funds collected that evening for Masonic purposes had been placed in the safe they proceeded to crack the lodge’s strong box. Nitroglycerine did the work and made a wreck of things in the southeast corner of the building. It must have been a great disappointment to these crooks to find that the treasurer of the lodge had taken the funds home and only papers of the lodge were in the safe. They took some of these, including the charter, as souvenirs of their visit.
No clue has yet been obtained as to the identity of the men who did the job.
Arthur B. Gregg, master of Noah Lodge, received yesterday a special dispensation from the Grand Master, written completely in the handwriting of the latter, granting power to proceed until the next session of Grand Lodge, at which time a new charter will be given the lodge.
Miss Margaret Clickman is taking a three months course in nurses training at the Manhattan hospital, New York city.
The school children gave their teacher, Miss I. Patrie, a surprise party last Friday evening. The occasion was her birthday. They presented her with a silver pencil. Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening was spent.
Arthur Schoonmaker has a new Ford coupe.
— Eli Sidney continues to improve. The Quarantine has been lifted from the Rose Sidney home.
— Miss Delia Farguher and Miss Virginia Wallace gave a music recital for the benefit of the D.A.R. in Schoharie on Tuesday afternoon. Our village is proud to have two such talented musicians.
HOUSEKEEPER WANTED — In family of three adult men, father and two sons; home with all modern conveniences; good wages; no laundry. Middle aged woman preferred. Everett L. Hevener, Slingerlands.