Altamont Enterprise March 10, 1922
Mrs. Robert C. Simmons of Altamont on Tuesday received a letter from Miss Blanche Long, formerly of East Berne. The letter was posted at Liverpool, England, February 21st. Miss Long said she felt quite like a queen after the boat left New York, having received over a hundred letters from the children of school 24 of Albany, besides many letters, packages, and flowers from friends. While in London, Miss Long visited many points of interest, among them being the famous Westminster Abbey. She saw King George and Queen Mary on the opening day of Parliament. There were many passengers on the boat on which Miss Long sailed — mostly Irish and British (and mostly men); very few Americans. Miss Long left Liverpool on February 22nd, at noon, and expected to reach Bombay, India on March 8th. It will be remembered that Miss Long has gone to the Mission Fields of India, with headquarters at Cawnpore.
George Fellows, janitor of Altamont High school, died on Sunday evening at nine o’clock, after an illness of only a few days. Mr. Fellows had been in failing health for several months, but was able to have charge of the school building, during the fall and winter months, doing the necessary work with the assistance of his sons part of the time.
Mr. Fellows was in his seventy-first year and is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Millar A. Quay of Knox, two sons, Harry and William Fellows, and one grandson.
Mr. Fellows moved here from Troy with his family in 1889, and was employed for several years in the handling of hay and farm products by shippers from Altamont and Delanson. He was born in Schoharie county and grew to manhood with a family by the name of Smeaton near Barton Hill. He will be greatly missed in the home as a kind husband and father, and as a friend to all who knew him. He had held the position of janitor in the Altamont school since its erection twenty years ago.
Farm Bureau Community
Meeting at Esperance
Professor James D. Brew spoke on the production of clean milk at a community meeting held in Odd Fellows’ Hall at Esperance on Wednesday evening, March 8th.
The meeting was held under the direction of the joint offices of Schoharie and Schenectady County Farm Bureaus.
Community singing was also part of the program.
John Amsdem, Chief Petty Officer, on the U. S. flag ship St. Louis, has returned from a trip of nearly two years duration in European waters, and is spending a 30 days furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Amsdem.
A number of people from this place went to Albany Tuesday and experienced some difficulty coming home through the flooded roads.
Tire and rim for Ford car, Feb. 23. Return to or notify Secor’s News Room, Altamont.
Tire, tube and rim, mounted. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Bert Wilday, Voorheesville, N. Y.