Altamont Enterprise January 27, 1922
Altamont and the hill towns, with the rest of the Capital district, have experienced this week a real “cold spell.” The extremely cold period started with a snow storm and heavy wind on Sunday, clearing off with a drop in temperature to the zero mark and lower as the week advanced. The mercury reached 22 below in some sections on Thursday morning.
Some records of Wednesday and Thursday were: Albany, 8 degrees below; Altamont, 10 below; Berne, 20 below; Duane, 22 below.
Several pupils were absent on Monday because of unpassable roads.
Those who have been afflicted with the mumps are recovering. No new cases are developing.
The Meadowdale school has been closed for several days on account of bad weather.
On account of the storm our pastor the Rev. Donald Boice could not get here to preach the funeral service of Mrs. Eugene Salisbury on Sunday. It was postponed until Tuesday, two o’clock. Undertaker Appleby had charge.
This is a good time to be studying the seed catalogue and planning one’s garden. The early bird,— etc., and spring is surely coming — on the calendar. Has anyone seen a blue bird?
— A. J. Van Wie, who has purchased the meat and vegetable business of E. Williamson on Maple avenue, will take possession on Wednesday, Feb. 1. Mr. Van Wie comes from Delanson, where he has been in the general merchandise and meat business.
— Miss Blanche Long of East Berne, a graduate of the Altamont High school, class of 1912, sailed from New York on Wednesday, for India. Miss Long goes as a missionary from the Women’s Union Missionary society, which is the oldest missionary society operated by women. The society is non-denominational. A number of parties were given for Miss Long previous to her sailing. She will be located at Cawnpore, India.
— Tuesday afternoon, while Kajetan Jakubek was sitting in a sleigh at the east side of the D. & H. station, his horse became frightened at the incoming 1:20 train. The animal bolted and threw Mr. Jakubek into a snow bank, then started down Main street with the overturned sleigh. A number of men started in pursuit and captured the horse on Main street, below Lark.
Little Nellie H. Van Deusen was delighted on seeing her birthday cake lit up with 5 little red candles, as the 24th of January was her fifth birthday.
— Mrs. F. H. Hurst has recovered from an attack of grippe.
— The Fire company will give their minstrel show in the Town hall on Friday and Saturday evenings Feb 3 and 4. General admission, 35 cents. Children under 12 years, 25 cents. Come one and all, and enjoy a hearty laugh. Show begins at 8:15 o’clock.
— Stereopticon pictures on Japan will be shown in the Sunday School room of the Presbyterian Church next Wednesday evening in connection with the Christian Endeavor Prayer Service.