Democracy starts at home. Don’t let it die there.
To the Editor:
It is hard to figure why anyone would not support the candidates running as Democrats in the current election of Berne town officials. They are all citizens of proven public service and applicable life experience. As their signs declare, they are for Berne working together.
The record of the opposing candidates as shown in the offices they now hold is downright shameful: irresponsible firing and hiring starting with the dog-control officer; neglect of town facilities like Switzkill Farm and the tennis courts; dangerous conditions at the highway department that led to the death of a beloved town resident; ignorance of state resources available to Berne to reduce the cost to taxpayers of needed services and equipment; refusal to provide information to residents in a timely, transparent, and cooperative way.
The list goes on and must include general incompetence documented in a state audit of town board practices.
As a Berne resident of more than 50 years, I am casting my vote for these candidates who will work for the public good: Margaret Christman for supervisor; Patrick Martin, Jennifer Merrill-Fuller, and Tim Lippert for town board; Jean Guarino for town clerk; and Barbara Kennedy for highway superintendent.
I’ve had enough of cronyism, partisanship leading to vindictive decision-making, and a lack of civility in town government.
Get out and vote. Democracy starts at home. Don’t let it die there.
Mary Ann Ronconi