Fill a soldier’s Christmas stocking
To the Editor:
The Helderberg Heroes Project, a program of the Helderberg Family and Community Organization, is partnering with Operation Adopt a Soldier to provide Christmas stockings for our deployed service men and women this holiday season.
Each soldier will receive a stocking filled with treats, a Christmas card, and a note of support from home. The stockings will be packed on Nov. 7 by the student volunteers of the Helderberg Hearts and Hands Club, a youth service club of the HFCO. Community members are also welcome to join us in the packing process.
There are several ways that individuals, families, and groups may help us support our brave men and women serving overseas:
— Sponsor a service member with a donation of $20. This donation will cover the cost of the items to fill the stocking, including items such as crackers, beef jerky, puzzle books, hard candy, gum, granola bars and cookies;
— Become a business sponsor of Heldeberg Heroes Project;
— Consider donating items to be included in the stocking;
— Volunteer to help pack on Nov. 7. All are welcome to be part of our service project; and
— Cards with short personal notes of support will be included in each stocking. Volunteer to sign cards or coordinate a card-signing event. Cards are available for individuals, families, and school and community groups to sign. Coloring sheets are available for children to color and send their holiday wishes along to a service member.
We invite you to visit our website ( or our Facebook page for more information about this program, to download a sponsorship form, or to register a service member to receive a holiday package.
To donate, please mail a check payable to HFCO to HFCO, Post Office Box 178, Knox, NY, 12107. We also accept donations through Venmo @HelderbergFCO (please write “service member stocking” on the memo line). Please note that donations received will be used, in their entirety, to support this project.
For more information or to donate items/cards for the stockings, please email us at or call Ashley Abraham (518-892-0564) or Maryellen Gillis (518-872-1899).
Thank you to all of our veterans, to all who are currently serving our country and their families. We appreciate your service and sacrifice. We would also like to thank the Voorheesville American Legion Post 1493 for their generous donation to jumpstart this project.
Our best wishes for a blessed holiday season.
Ashley Abraham
Helderberg Heroes Project
Helderberg Family and
Community Organization