Berne Library Notes for Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Remember to celebrate Root Beer Float day on Aug. 6. Grab your super-size bag of potato chips and float ingredients. Start a new tradition. Invite your friends over and make some “remember when” moments for the shelf.
Pay Attention Attitude
OMG! It’s August already!
How do the days blip past so fast?
Is there a way to savor moments
Before they’re gobbled up
And in the past?
Building up your “memorable moments”
Is an easy thing to do.
Just decide to start your day
With pay-attention attitude!
Wake up! Start now! Get going!
Try a risky treat ...
Give those things you’ve never tried
Or those things you’ve done by rote
A whole new chance to lead you
Toward a life that is a hoot.
Join a book club at the library
Give journaling a try
Come listen to the Bluestones
At Music In the Park.
It happens Wednesday evening
And goes until it’s dark.
Wake up! Start now! Get going!
The journey is upbeat ...
Adopt the tune of noticing
Wings and hooves and grunts
The library’s live animal series
Continues through the month.
Chickens on the 23rd
Lambs’ll be here on the ninth
Pigs visit on the 30th
And that’s no sly sty joke.
Wake up! Start now! Get going!
Just decide to start your day
With pay-attention attitude.
It’s a choice that can’t be beat.
Emily’s Lambs
Emily’s Lambs will be at the library, Monday, Aug. 9, from 6 to 7 p.m. Since it’s National Book Lover’s Day, perhaps you’ll want to read a book to the lambs. What could their favorite stories be? Any guesses? Looking forward to seeing you at Emily’s Lambs visit on the 9th.
Story time
It’s a Boo Boo Bear story time and preschoolers are invited to join Miss Kathy for a 3 p.m. date on Aug. 10 with some bears and a story and a craft.
Music In the Park with the Bluestones is happening Wednesday, Aug. 11. Pop over to the Berne Town Park at 6:30 p.m. for tunes, jokes, snacks, and raffles. This is the fourth show in the five-week music series sponsored by the Friends of the Berne Library.
What other new things are showing up at the library? It’s a whole new show for the Friends’ art-gallery wall, featuring the artwork of Karen Zimmers. Be sure to stop in and check it out through the month of August.
Be a bird. Fly overhead, watch some live bird cams around the world. Tell your favorite animal stories — there’s a little sky action scheduled in two weeks. Just wanted to give you the heads-up. Aug. 16 at 5:30 p.m. is Rocket Tales at the Berne Town Park. On Aug. 20 at 6:30 p.m., it’s a bird-watching party for adults. Questions? Call 518-872-1246.