Altamont Enterprise July 15, 1921

During the past week since the days have been so warm, the streets leading to the creek and especially Baxter avenue have been lined with a continual line of both young and older ones going bathing, some staying on the beach until the cooler hours of the evening. 



Orville Finch had the misfortune to lose a horse from the heat last week. 



— The Altamont baseball team will go to Coeymans tomorrow for a game with the team representing that place in the Albany County league. We will not venture an opinion as to whether it will be a good game. The brand of baseball Altamont has been playing of late has not been up to the average, and will remain below the average just so long as the home boys lack interest and refuse to practice. Time and again two or three of the more faithful ones have gone to the fair grounds for practice, but no one else showed up. You cannot expect outside players to remain interested in our games if the home players lack interest. 

— Some good work is being done on our streets this week by S. C. Crounse, street commissioner. Crushed stone about six inches deep has been placed on Lark and Grand streets. Western avenue and Lincoln avenue will also be improved by having the center of the roadway covered with a generous amount of crushed stone. The crosswalks will also come in for a share of the improvements. 




Local Institution Ends Five Successful Years of its History 

During the year the library has been open 103 days, and 617 cards were issued. The total circulation this year was 7,337 books, as compared to 6,973 last year.  The average circulation per library day has been 71 books, a gain of 4 books over last year. The new quarters in the Hellenbeck Building on Helderberg Avenue, are voted the most commodious and attractive home the library has known. 



Last night at the Lakeside Hotel a new innovation for the amusement of pleasure seekers at Thompson’s Lake was started. Movies in the dining room of the hotel were introduced at 7:30 Standard time. It is expected to continue these entertainments from week to week on Thursday evenings. 


Abram Oliver was unfortunate in getting a small particle of dirt in his eye, while working on his brother’s farm. He was under Dr. Von Woert’s care and had it removed by a specialist. 



For sale: Fifteen shares of stock in the Guilderland Foundry Co. of Guilderland N. Y. Inquire of Frank Hogan, Guilderland, N. Y. P. O. Box 5. 

For sale: 5 passenger Overland touring car. Will sell for $100 to make room for new cars. Altamont Motor Sales Co. 

For sale: $25.00 reward will be given for evidence that will produce the arrest and conviction of the person who shot and killed a full blooded bull calf on my farm between the 3rd and 6th day of July 191. Dr. D. H. Cook. 

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