Altamont Enterprise June 17, 1921



On Sunday night a bold thief entered Conrad Mathias’ barn and stole his car but only reached the roadway and abandoned it. 



— Truancy officer, James Goodfellow, was called on Tuesday to visit School District No. 1 (Cedar Grove) on account of their delinquent pupils. 

— The Independent Book club had an all-day meeting on Thursday and enjoyed a chicken dinner. Mrs. Becker was the hostess. 



— A milk pail was stolen from Frank Conger recently, and the same day Frankie Brate found their cow had been relieved of her day’s milk. 

— A number have had telephones installed in their homes lately. Among them are Miss Attie Gardner, Leonard Stoneburner, Mr. Udell and Adam Otto. A. H. Salisbury has a desk phone. 



F. Van Wormer called at this office the other day and left with us a new apple originated on his farm near Dunnsville. It has a surprisingly good flavor for one kept so late in the season, and is a very marketable variety. The apple will be known as the Van Wormer apple. It bears every year, has good flavor and is one of the best keepers on the farm, on which he has 24 different kinds of apples. 



— Little George Sharp of Fullers is passing a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp. 

— About 20 men of the Reformed church did a splendid job last Wednesday when they shingled the horse sheds, which were badly in need of repair. The ladies of the church served a chicken dinner at the noon hour. 


At Union College commencement exercises last week, Harold Isaac Blessing, son of Alexander Blessing, formerly of this place, won the Goodrich Duane debate prize of thirty dollars. 



— The brick school will close this week. The two rooms will join in a picnic on Friday. 

— A crowded church witnessed the well tendered program by the little folks on Children’s Day. Fifty children marched in and occupied the platform. We love Children’s Day and the message the little folks bring. The children particularly seem to enjoy the good attendance on the part of the parents and friends. 



Mrs. Ella Warner closed her school last Friday by having a  picnic for the children, coming for them by automobile and taking them to her home near Warner’s Lake, where she served ice cream, cake and sandwiches under the trees in the orchard. Miss Warner also treated the children to a boat ride on the lake and it goes without saying that the grown up mothers of the children and other friends present enjoyed it as much as the children, who say it was the best time they ever had. 


A. F. Deitz of Altamont and Leroy Youngs went on a fishing trip to Schoharie on Thursday. They did not have very good success. 

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