Altamont Enterprise June 10, 1921
Sixty-five speckled trout is the result of a week-end fishing trip to the Adirondacks made by James Cummings and son James, and Frank and Wendell Wilber.
Miss Ella Warner will close her school Friday with a picnic for the children at Warner’s Lake. A great time is anticipated by the children.
— The public school here will close on Friday June 17th, when exercises will be held.
— F. C. Martin has sold his fine team of horses. With his family, he has moved to Albany to live.
— Jasper Tork enjoyed a trip by boat to New York city last Monday. He met a relative from Italy, who just arrived in this country.
— Erwin Buckman and Seward Fryer have new bicycles.
Extensive improvements are being made to the streets of our village.
The New Scotland town road men have been improving their section of road in this vicinity. The road has been widened near the cemetery vault and a part of the road stoned. While every little bit helps, we shall await, anxiously, the completion of the work another year. Now it’s up to Bethlehem to do something on their part of the road.
— The children in the public school have been taking grade examinations this week.
— The New Scotland baseball club will give a dance in Whitbeck’s hall tonight, Friday. Good music will be furnished. Gentlemen assessed 50 cents. Ladies free.
The garage of Charles Mosher of this place was entered by thieves some time Thursday night who got away with over one hundred dollars worth of tires and other things. No clue of the parties who did the job has been found.
Miss Edna Scrafford, who was hurt by being thrown from a trolley car in Schenectady, is spending some time at the home of her brother, C. W. Scrafford. She is some better at the present writing.
Alton Wood has enlisted in the Hospital Corps of the 10th Infantry, N. Y. National Guard.
Classified Ads.
FOR SALE — Altamont: 14-room house, in good condition; steam heat, all improvements; easily be made into two flats. One-half acre land, garden, henhouse, barn, and fruit. Price $5,500. Inquire Mrs. Mary Lee, Maple Ave. 42-tf
— 1918 Indian motorcycle, and side car fully equipped, with tandem. In first class condition. Price $175. Write J. Kilmer, Guilderland, N. Y. Box 71.
FOUND — In the village of Berne, a sum of money. Owner may have same by describing property and paying charges. R. C. Schoonmaker, Berne, R. D. 1. Tel. East Berne, 18-F-4.