Sponsor a banner for your Hometown Hero
To the Editor:
The town of Knox will continue to honor our Hometown Heroes with pride! The Town of Knox Hometown Hero Committee will be accepting applications for this year’s Hometown Hero Banner program now through May 10.
The banner program recognizes all branches of the military and will honor those who have served in the past and those currently serving. The banners are 30-by-60 inches and will hang on utility poles throughout the hamlet of Knox from Memorial Day through Veterans Day.
Anyone may sponsor a banner. The cost is $175. This fee goes directly to the cost of producing each banner, and each banner will be returned to the family or sponsor when the banners are taken down in November.
In order for the banners to print clearly, we ask that you submit a high-quality photo; if at all possible, a digital or jpeg photo works best. We understand that this is not always possible and will do our best to work with what is submitted to us.
All applications may be returned to Traci Schanz, Knox Town Clerk, by email at clerk@knoxny.org, by fax at 518-486-8558, or by postal mail to Post Office Box 116, Knox, New York 12107. Please be sure to include a photo and required information about your hero. Payment for the banners must be made by check or cash no later than the deadline of May 10. Checks should be made out to Traci Schanz, Hometown Hero Committee.
Please feel free to call the town clerk at 518-872-2551 or send an email to clerk@knoxny.org if you have any questions.
Dennis Cyr
The Town of Knox
Hometown Hero Committee