Altamont Enterprise April 8, 1921
— The week beginning April 11 has been designated Clean Up Week by Hermann M. Biggs, state commissioner of health. He has sent letters to mayors, village presidents and boards of health, emphasizing that a community is judged by its outward appearance and that local authorities should take the initiative lest the thing be done in a half-hearted manner. Let’s get together all the waste and rubbish that has accumulated during the winter season, and get rid of it before the warm weather starts.
— Attend the dance to be given by the Altamont Baseball association at Masonic hall, Altamont, next Friday evening, April 15. Turner’s orchestra. $1.00 per couple; extra ladies, 25 cents.
At a very interesting meeting of the Guilderland branch of the Dairymen’s League, it was decided that this branch ask merchants of the town of Guilderland to carry in stock pure butter for those who do not care to use butter substitutes.
The death of Emmeline Warner, wife of William James Hart, occurred on Sunday evening, April 3, at Berne. Mrs. Hart was born in the town of Knox, and for nearly the entire eighty-four years of her life had lived in this vicinity. Her husband was proprietor of Lake View House at Thompson’s Lake for 28 years. She was married to Mr. Hart in 1856, and after a sixty-five period of happily married life she resigned her all uncomplainingly to the Father. Mrs. Hart was a woman of true Christian principles, living her belief each day of her life.
One hundred and seventy gathered at the town hall on Friday evening of last week for a Community Social. The excellent cafeteria supper was greatly enjoyed and the receipts of $50 therefrom very gratifying. Following the supper the Juniors entertained for a time with some April foolish performances, which elicited much laughter and applause. The community “sing” with fifty new community song books to sing from, was much enjoyed and a pleasant hour was spent.
Irving Goodfellow has been in Albany on jury duty.
Mr. Chase, our new blacksmith, is occupying the Turnbull house and has commenced work in the shop here.
— The New York Telephone Co. and the Municipal Gas Co. had expert engineers from New York City making tests on their lines between this place and Albany last Sunday. The work was accomplished in one day by the men employed, starting the work at 4 o’clock in the morning and finishing at 7 p.m., the men taking scarcely any time to eat. The work was done on Sunday so as not to inconvenience the busy public any more than possible. Calls from the Voorheesville telephone office were routed through Altamont and then to East Berne and back to Albany, giving fairly good service.
— Some one broke in Earl Slaborn’s garage last Sunday evening, taking some tools and a couple of tires. Admission to the garage was gained by going in through the cellar. Evidently the party took only some things they wanted to use as other new tires were not taken.