We now have the tools to control COVID-19

To the Editor:

Good news, folks.

We are headed toward control of the COVID-19 heavy human mortality in the United States and world even though there were approximately 350,000 Americans to have reportedly died of coronavirus as of Jan. 7, 2021 and as of Feb. 22, 2021 President Biden reported some 500,071 Americans to have died of COVID in the U.S.

Over 150,000 more died since my letter to the editor on Jan. 7, 2021. This mortality is still very high but there are signs that the COVID-19 virus is in significant decline in response to the limited vaccination with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in the United States. Both vaccines seem to work well.

I’ve had both of the Moderna vaccine shots (I fit in the high-priority group for vaccination because I am 82, have diabetes, and walk with a walker because of multiple strokes). My daughter Montana arranged for me to get the shots given by a Parkside Pharmacy pharmacist.

My son took me to the shot appointments and saw to it that I got there safely in and out of the car. The check-in was efficient and friendly. The inoculations were painlessly administered, and the site was sore to the touch for about five days.

It was a “breeze” even for a debilitated old man.

Another American-made COVID-19 vaccine by Johnson & Johnson is expected to be added shortly to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. It will be a single shot and is expected to give a high rate of protection against coronavirus.

Many other nations have also produced similar vaccines for their people. We should be able to work internationally on the pandemic and all people of the world should be vaccinated for COVID-19. Millions of people would then be saved from sickness and death.

This will be good practice, since the people of Earth should work together on disease problems of common interest such as the coronavirus and other diseases that are likely to follow in the coming decades. 

We hear a lot about types of COVID occurring in various parts of the world. Decades ago, when I was a student, we studied the evolution of viruses in class and mutations of RNA virus would be expected.

In general, viruses do not become highly pathogenic (disease-causing); they tend to become milder over time. And that way the virus maintains its home.

The indications are that COVID-19 will be controlled by the existing vaccines and, if one needs further control, boosters or changing the chemistry of the inoculation will result in its control.

There is a significant portion of the population that is waiting to see what happens with the inoculations against COVID-19. I think this is foolish. Remember: Getting the vaccination may well save lives including your own.

Make anyone who’s against vaccination come up with good scientific reasons why that should be. Talk with your health-care provider or some qualified medical authority.

We have got the tools to control the coronavirus in people. It is a matter of life and death and getting the vaccination is on the life side. 

Dr. Ward Stone


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