Library staff deserves praise, not criticism
To the Editor:
After reading both the letter to the editor [“Guilderland library staff are shocked and demoralized by trustees’ comments,” The Altamont enterprise, Dec. 7, 2020] and the article about Guilderland Public Library which appeared in last week’s edition [“Trustees listen to Guilderland library staff concerns and delay public browsing”], I felt compelled to respond to certain comments made by some of the library trustees.
The staff deserves praise, not criticism.
I feel that I’m very qualified to make that statement because I spent over three years volunteering in the library so I witnessed firsthand how hard every employee works and how dedicated they are to their job. Also, although I obviously haven’t been inside the library since the pandemic began, it seems as if the staff has been working harder than ever, including performing the added duties of having to process every patron’s order from inception, to having to disinfect every single borrowed item.
And it's worth pointing out that they’ve had to do everything in the midst of a construction project where they are subjected to inhaling dust particles while trying to concentrate on their work as machines are making noise all around them. They also have to spend extra time continually shifting and organizing the thousands of items that the library houses.
It would be a grave mistake to furlough even a single employee.
As I mentioned above, the staff is working more, not less, and during this pandemic the library’s wonderful offerings, from items to borrow to programs to enjoy, are needed more than ever before. Every person has been affected deeply by this pandemic — physically, emotionally, or financially — and in many cases, all three.
In the midst of this sea of stormy days, the library serves as a constant rainbow. It definitely would not shine as brightly if there is a reduction of employees.
The building should remain closed to the public until it is safe to reopen.
The health and safety of both the staff and the community should take precedence over any other consideration. After speaking with several fellow library patrons in recent weeks, I’ve found they’re all extremely appreciative of all the services currently provided and they don’t feel a need or desire to enter the building at this time.
In closing, I’d like to share two messages, and the first is to the library staff: Thank you to every single one of you and please keep up the outstanding work you’re doing. You can all hold your heads up high.
And to the board of trustees: I know some of you personally and how much you care about our library so I have every confidence that you’ll make the right decisions moving forward.
Cindy Wadach