Thompsons Lake
On Monday, Oct. 20, my granddaughter, Kassi Neal, had the day off and we spent it together at my house. My daughter, Marcia Pangburn, called and told me her lawyer, Louis Oliver called, and she had to appear in the Berne court the next day.
I had two doctors’ appointments planned so I had to change one.
Tuesday, Oct. 21 came and the doctor was very obliging. I got my 3:30 p.m. appointment changed to 9:30 a.m., and my second doctor’s appointment was at 11 a.m. I am trying to get my once a year appointments done before cold weather and slippery rods.
I went to court with Marcia and the district attorney refused to dismiss the charges and she goes back on Nov. 18.
Jenn Smith invited us to her and Brandon’s house and served us hot turkey sandwiches. We enjoyed cake for dessert and sang Happy Birthday to my granddaughter and Brandon’s sister, Kyra Swan. Kyra turned 13 on Oct. 22.
We all gave her money, as she likes to pick out her own presents.
Wednesday, Oct. 22, started out quiet, but then my granddaughter, Danielle Ricketts, called me at 8:30 a.m. and said she took Zoey to the babysitter but the sitter couldn’t watch her because her mother was sick. Danielle brought Zoey to me and I watched her at their house because I don’t have to lift her there.
Zoey has a playroom and the living room is full of toys. She can climb up on the couch when she needs a diaper change. I did enjoy spending the day with Zoey.
I stayed and ate dinner with Danielle, Matt, and Zoey. Danielle made quesadillas and had asparagus.
On Thursday, Oct. 23, I went to Crossroads in Ravena, and got my oil changed and they checked my SUV to make sure it was ready for winter.
Friday, Oct. 24, was my grocery day but I also went to the chiropractor. I now have sciatica on my right side, but it seems to be slowly easing up.
On Saturday, Oct. 25, Marcia joined me for breakfast. Around noon, I drove to my granddaughter, Kassi Neal’s house and we went to the Democratic Fall Social. It was a pig roast held at the Maple Inn on the lake. It was about 60 degrees out and the sun was shining. The food was delicious with many side dishes. The local politicians were there and some from the district such as Angelo Santa Barbara and Paul Tonko.
Rhinehold Schultz was there also. He is the former owner of the restaurant and he has written a book. But best of all, many friends and neighbors were there.
My daughter, Marcia Pangburn came and brought her daughter, Kyra Swan and Kyra’s friend, Ella David.
On Sunday, Oct. 26, I went to church and then was in for a great surprise. My grandson, Miles Pangburn hot a four-point buck with his bow and arrow and he and his wife, Melissa brought it over to hand in my barn.
Then Marcia, Brandon, Jenn, and Danielle came to see the deer and her the hunting story.
After that Miles cooked the deer heart and eggs for brunch. Danielle had gone home and Jenn doesn’t eat deer heart. I just love having the family sit around the kitchen table and eat a meal together. It made my week complete.
Bake sale
The East Berne Fire company auxiliary will hold their annual bake sale at the firehouse on Tuesday, Nov. 4, from 1 to 7 p.m. The prize drawing will be at 7 p.m.
Faith discussion
The next class on faith entitled, If God cares, why do we still suffer? will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 7 p.m., in the Knox Church hall. The discussion group will be led by Rev. Tim Van Heest.
Come and strengthen the foundation of your faith.