Committed omnivores praise produce
To the Editor:
One of the great joys of living in Altamont is our abundance of fresh produce. There is no more welcome sign of spring than when the big yellow sign goes up at Mary and Dave’s farmstand to herald the arrival of rhubarb.
As committed omnivores, we were excited to see that Bella Fleur has added a produce stand on the sidewalk outside the store. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve enjoyed so much scrumptious fruit and veg from the stand: summer corn, delicious heirloom tomatoes, succulent summer squash, plump sweet blueberries, and local peaches so juicy that we needed a paper towel at the ready.
The best part? All of this right in the village of Altamont within walking distance from our house (and only a short drive for most others).
A sincere and enormous “thank you” to Diana for setting this up. We hope others will take advantage of the stand at Bella Fleur, and continue to support the many other wonderful local food sources like Mary and Dave’s stand, Schoharie Valley Farms, and others. Just leave a pint of blueberries and some corn for us, please!
Keegan and Olivia Prue