Altamont Enterprise July 30, 1920
Altamont enjoys the distinction of being one of four places where the National Y.W.C.A. has established camps for girls in the Northeastern Field, and rightly so, for where could a better place have been found for the purpose than in the Helderberg hills southwest of Altamont?
The representative of the Enterprise recently had the pleasure of a visit to this delightful and secluded spot in the hills overlooking Altamont.
To one who has not visited or read about Altamont camp, let us say that it is a place where a girl dependent on her own resources and who cannot like many of us, afford to take her vacation at the summer resorts can have just the dandiest time, live out of doors, take part in sports, baseball, basketball, tennis, and in the evening gatherings of the girls in impromptu entertainment.
So from June to September the camp life is enjoyed by hundreds of city young women and girls coming for a two weeks’ stay. This weekend there are about 150 guests, and Saturday will bring more, while some will return to their home towns.
Excellent discipline is kept in the camp, regular hours being set for recreation, meals, games, quiet hours, and prayers.
The camp is in charge of Miss Littler. A corps of able assistants help with this grand work of giving the city self-supporting girl a chance of enjoying life in the open with a proper social environment.
George Taylor is the first to report ripe tomatoes from his farm. He picked some last Thursday.
Mrs. Emma Zimmer has a new victrola.
A gospel tent has been erected, and two preachers from Scotland are holding evangelistic services every night.
The smallest baby girl that has been born in Altamont arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vinehout jr. on Sunday, July 25. Her weight was only two pounds.