Green Fair shares way to live in harmony with Earth
To the Editor:
The fourth annual Green Fair will be held on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sage College Armory at 130 New Scotland Ave. in Albany. It is sponsored by Community Advocates for a Sustainable Environment, a local grassroots group.
Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan will make opening remarks. The fair is free and open to the public with ample space and easy parking. The Capital District Electric Vehicle Club will have its cars on display outside. This is the largest indoor/outdoor environmental fair in the Capital Region.
Enjoy one-stop shopping with information, services, and products related to living in harmony with our Earth. Visit with more than 65 for-profit and not-for-profit exhibitors. Listen to speakers on a variety of environmental and sustainability topics while enjoying good food (including vegan options) and drink. The fair is a “zero waste” event.
Speakers include:
— What You Can Do to Help the Environment: Panel Presentation from local renewable energy businesses and climate activists;
— The Drawdown Project and What We Can Learn From It: Melissa Everett, Sustainable Hudson Valley and Dorna Schroeter, Biomimicry Institute;
— What The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act Really Means: A member of NY Renews, the coalition that wrote and lobbied for the bill; and
— Animal Agriculture and its Impact on the Environment: Rachel McCrystal, the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary.
One can register for the fair as an exhibitor or have an ad in our program book. Contact if you are interested in placing an ad.
Join us for this event and let your family, friends, and neighbors know about it.
Becky Meier
Bob Connors
Board members
Community Advocates
for a Sustainable
Canaan, New York