Pros and cons of renewable energy

To the Editor:

I’d love nothing better than to have my bed linens dried outside in the fresh air. However, I’ve developed adult onset of environmental allergies, underwent testing, and now receive weekly allergy injections to reduce my symptoms and my body’s reaction to the allergens.

The last thing I can do is dry my laundry outside. On high-pollen days, my windows need to be closed and, if ceiling fans don’t make the house feel cool enough, the air-conditioning has to be started.

Showering after gardening is a must as is changing the high efficient furnace filter and the air/cabin filters in my car on a routine basis.

While wind power may work in limited areas, the placement of wind farms in migratory patterns are destroying far too many birds. In California, the California condors have been adversely affected by these wind farms to the point that this species may become extinct.

Wildlife biologists have been hired to do body counts at these farms to access the danger to our country’s bird population. Off-shore may not be an answer either because of the bird species that fly far out to sea.

Solar helps as long as the sun shines. Geothermal is viable as long as the water table isn’t too high or the underlying rock can accommodate without blasting.

Abandoned hydro plants need a second look to see if modern technology makes electric production viable. Switching all lighting inside and out to LED [light-emitting diode] as well as energy-efficient appliances to reduce our demand is a necessity. Utility companies should be rewarding customers cutting their use and not making their stockholders the main concern.

Anne L. Haun Rymski 


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