Altamont Enterprise May 30, 1919
A.H.S. Lost Game, 4 to 2.
The Altamont High school baseball team was defeated by the Milne High school of Albany in a game on the fair grounds Thursday afternoon, the score being 4 to 2. The game for the most part was well played. The local boys outhit the Albanians and loaded the bases more than once, only to be picked off by their opponents while star-gazing.
Among the important bills passed by the New York legislature at its last session was a measure establishing 450 state scholarships for the benefit of resident soldiers, sailors and marines who shall have served as such in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in the world war and been honorably discharged from the service. Three scholarships will be awarded to each Assembly district, and the competitive examination for the purpose of awarding the scholarships will be held on Friday, June 20.
Owing to the extreme wet weather farmers are far behind with their work.
Raymond Woodruff, 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Woodruff of Sandy Creek, thinks it pays to raise hogs. Last June he bought two pigs for which he paid $12. They were butchered four months later and sold for $82.46. His carefully kept record of costs showed he made a profit of $40.96.
— Contractor Edgar is meeting with considerable difficulty in dredging for the sewer pipe line on Lincoln avenue. Many large boulders have had to be lifted bodily from the trench, and in some cases others have had to be broken up so that they could be handled. Water and gas pipes and sluiceways have also impeded rapid work. It is believed that soon easier digging will be found as the machine advances toward the end of the street.
— The two organized classes of the Lutheran Sunday school will give an apron social (not a sale) in the church hall on Friday evening, June 6, at 8 o’clock. Little aprons with full instructions will be distributed early next week. If you fail to receive an apron, come anyway. Some one will be at the door to take your waist measure. A penny an inch for each inch of your waist measure includes admission to the entertainment and refreshments.