Guilderland Library Notes for Thursday, March 28, 2019
Thank you for the wonderful outpouring of support for the Hulslander family! [The Hulslander family’s home burned on March 15: The Altamont Enterprise, “Rekindled fire on Vaughn Drive brings fire departments out twice in one night,” March 18, 2019. Thanks to you, the family no longer needs clothing or baby items, including diapers. Therefore, we’ve removed the bin from our lobby.
The Hulslanders are still gratefully accepting gift cards, which may be dropped off at the library. Your generosity is a resounding affirmation that Guilderland and the surrounding area truly rallies to support each other. We are proud to be an integral part of this community!
Census jobs
Preparations are well underway for the 2020 Census, just a mere eight months away, and libraries will play a key role. Many Census jobs must be filled to conduct this massive data collection effort.
A Census representative will be on hand here Monday, April 1 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to answer questions and facilitate the job application process.
Better Angels
Longing to do something about the stark polarization in our country, without surrendering your own values and positions? Better Angels, a national, grassroots movement aiming to detoxify and heal the American political landscape, may be the catalyst you’re seeking.
Plan to attend Thursday, April 4 at 7 p.m. to find out what Better Angels is accomplishing locally and nationally, and how you can get involved. In addition, we’re hosting a Better Angels skills workshop Saturday May 4 from 2 to 4:30 p.m, teaching strategies for respectful conversations that seek common ground and maintaining productive relationships. Please register online, by phone or in person.
Etsy Success
Calling all craftspeople, artists, and vintage item purveyors: Seeking to sell your wares on Etsy? Here’s your opportunity to get started!
Come to our Etsy Success workshop Saturday, April 6, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We’ll cover all the fundamentals so you can walk away with your online store open for business. Please pre-register for this class, establish your Etsy account in advance, and bring your own laptop, iPad, or tablet (or arrange to borrow one of ours).
Work/Life Balance
Do you barely make it to the end of the week, only to feel completely exhausted by the time you get home? Perhaps your work/life balance requires recalibration.
On Wednesday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m., Dr. Tom Denham will present “Work/Life Balance: Tips and Techniques,” covering how to analyze your present situation and begin the process toward a more satisfying life. Please register online, by phone or in person.
Got questions about the reassessment process? On April 11 at 7 p.m., learn how local assessment and tax administration works in Guilderland, and learn how the town’s property reassessment project will impact tax rates.
Guilderland Assessor Karen Van Wagenen and Assessment Review Hearing Officer Tony Cantore will discuss how assessments are determined and how fairness and equity are achieved through the assessment review process. Please register online, by phone or in person.
Elementary Artwork Exhibit
Our Helderberg Room walls are exploding with vibrant color, graced with the artwork of Guilderland Elementary School students. Viewing these creations elicits a smile and could very well be the best part of your day!
We invite you to come take a peek at the burgeoning talent in our community, including the glass display cases. This exhibit continues throughout April, with a public reception Tuesday, april 2, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Albany history uncovered
The city of Albany has 800 streets, and thus as many street names. On Saturday, April 13 at 2 p.m., author Erik Schlimmer takes audiences on a fascinating virtual tour of street names, weaving in intriguing stories of war heroes, criminals, founding fathers and Dutch settlers throughout.
Mr. Schlimmer will have copies of his newest book for sale, “Cradle of the Union: A Street by Street History of New York’s Capital City.”
Board candidates sought
The Guilderland Public Library is currently seeking candidates to fill anticipated vacancies on our board of trustees. Information packets may be obtained at our Circulation Desk.
The deadline for bios and photos to be included in our bi-monthly newsletter is Wed. 4/10. Petitions for nomination with signatures of at least 39 qualified voters residing within the school district must be returned to Guilderland Central School District by Monday, April 22, in advance of the election and budget vote to be held Tuesday, May 21.