Altamont Enterprise February 21, 1919
A house on Cherry avenue, owned by Theodore Halsdorf, and occupied by William Cade and family, was burned to the ground about 10 o’clock Wednesday morning. The blaze, which started in the cellar, presumably from the heater, soon gained headway because of the high wind. With the exception of a few pieces of the best furniture, the contents of the house were a total loss, since Mr. Cade carried no insurance. He and his family had just recovered from influenza. The Cades have five children, ranging in age from six months to nine years, the youngest of whom has been confined to a relative’s home in Albany for treatment for about ten weeks.
Last Friday afternoon Miss Harriette Wood entertained her primary Sunday school class at her home with a Valentine party. Miss Wood had planned some appropriate games, and assisted by her mother and the children, gave a number of “Mother Goose” rhymes in little plays. Valentines were received and dainty refreshments were served, after which the little people returned home, delighted with their party.
The proceeds of the entertainment given by the Loyal Daughters of the Knox churches were $37.57. Ten dollars was given to the Syrian Relief Fund, and the rest will be used in the upbuilding of the churches. The Loyal Daughters wish to thank the public for their hearty support.
A pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Miss Ida Mae Van Zandt on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 15, by her schoolmates and friends, in honor of her 14th birthday. Candy making was enjoyed during the afternoon. At 5 o’clock supper was served, followed by dancing and games. Miss Van Zandt received many useful and pretty gifts.
Remember the entertainment to be given in the Presbyterian church on Saturday evening, Feb. 22. Violin solos, piano duets, vocal solos, readings and selections on the Victrola will be given. Admission, 10 cents. A light supper will be served, as a free will offering supper.
Don’t forget the dance to be given Friday night at Joslin’s hall by the Go the Limit club.
Charles Fares has recently purchased a Victrola for his home.
TO LET — House and garden near Cobblestone schoolhouse. Apply Dan Wormer.