I appreciate the presentation on opioids
To the Editor:
I know the over 70 attendees at Monday night’s outstanding presentation on opioids and other drugs will be talking about it for months to come. Thank you!
Thank you, Chris Smith, Albany County legislator, for arranging this timely and informative event, and for not only holding it at your restaurant, Maple on the Lake, but also for providing pizza, wings, and beverages.
Untold thanks and appreciation also go to Sheriff Craig Apple and the others who accompanied him, for describing to us the scope of the problem in our area, ways to deal with it, and the services that are currently available.
You are to be commended for all the time and effort you are putting into helping the people of Albany County. All of you are making a difference — one day at a time, one person at a time!
Helen M. Lounsbury
East Berne